Thursday, August 19, 2010

Well Poo On You!

Caution, may contain dirty words!

So it's no secret that I have spent A LOT of time at the state fair this year.  And I knew from being around livestock that I would at some point smell poo, probably see poo and if I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, step in poo. 
So yesterday I was standing in line for some breakfast when I feel something hit my forehead, pass my eye and land on my cheek.  I keep my composure, grab a napkin and discover that I had been poo'd on!  It was just perfect, hit my hair, came just inside my glasses on landed on my cheek.  So I step out of line, get out a pocket mirror and clean myself off.  What a way to start the day.

Not even an hour later a friend gives me a belated birthday gift.  How appropriate, she must have known what was going to happen.

You can't really tell but this was in honor of the year of the pig, it's porky pooper!

So that is the story of my crappy day. Thought you all might get a kick out of it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Taste From Indiana Farms

Three days of free food, what could be better!  Over 1,500 folks came through yesterday to get a taste of what agriculture provides and they are walking away with some facts they didn't know.  Such as marshmallows are a pork by product!  Or how much milk the average dairy cow produces.  Here is a photo tour of what you can do.  We are here 11-5 Wednesday and 11-4:30 Thursday. 
District 3 serving cheese curds from Fair Oaks Dairy

District 8 serving pepperoni and marshmallows - promoting pork and by products

District 2 serving lamb

District 10 representing vegetables

Illiana Watermelon Association serving fresh Indiana Watermelon

Dow Agro Sciences promoting their new Omega 9 oils and serving popcorn

Indiana State Beekeepers Association giving taste of honey

Foremost Farms serving cheese cubes

Carley Elk Farm serving elk summer sausage

District 4 serving soy butter, a great substitute for those that can't eat peanuts

District 5 serving beef summer sausage from Boone County

District 6 is serving licorice.  Yes it is a farm product, have you seen all the grains that are in the candy you eat?

Indiana Goat Association serving goat brauts

District 1 serving duck. Indiana is the #1 producer of duck in the nation.

District 9 serving Red Gold Salsa

District 7 serving fruit juices

National Kidney Foundation to check your blood pressure.
We hope you can join us!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Prim Shelf

I found a great shelf in Country Sampler this month so  I told my dad it would be a great birthday gift idea.  He can be quite handy so I left the rest up to him.  He worked his magic and here is the finished results!

It's just what the room needed.  I need to call the dining room the dad room since he also made my dining room table and the dough bowl that is on the table.  The dining room table was an old workbench that he reworked and made a new top for.  I said I wanted something that the pilgrims could eat at and this was perfect!

Almost all of my furniture has come from second hand and antique stores. I like to paint it black and distress it.  Here are some of my  other favorite pieces.

Thanks for taking a tour of some of my favorite things!

Wordless Wednesday

Linked to Wordless Wednesdays

Rock and Roll all night G an I went to the KISS concert this week.  I told him to do his best Gene Simmons, he didn't want to play along. It was a great show just very hot. I hope I can move like that when I'm 60, I can't move like that now! Ahh the fun of the state fair.
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